Coffee cups


      I look forward to Mondays!

      I don't need another mug telling me “ugh.” or “don't talk to me before…” 

      I need inspiration and caffeination in the morning! 

      That's why my line of porcelain mugs and campfire mugs were made, to keep you motivated!

      Whether you are a student still reaching for your 225 wpm goal or a veteran who knows how to make those fingers fly faster than a speeding bullet, these mugs will get you through the morning

      • in the office boardroom 
      • In the courtroom
      • In your pajamas, while you take dictation on a zoom conference call.

      As with all my drinkware, these designs are a 

      • subliminally printed
      • 100 % original
      • meant to be flaunted

      What inspires you in your Steno Life?

      • The freedom of owning your business?
      • The ability to work anywhere?
      • The smug knowledge that the mug your sipping from says ‘F%k  this" in a courtroom and no one knows but you?

      217 products

      217 products